Monday 6 June 2011



How can a Christian organisation like the FGBMFI be going through a split, when they are supposed to be directed by the Holy Spirit?

This is a very good question, one which we are prayerfully trying to resolve. Our greatest desire is for an early reconcilliation of the resigned UK leadership. If you are a Christian reading this, then we welcome your prayers or reconcilliation and your spiritual warfare pray against rebellion. Even when Demos was alive, there were members who would question his leadership, but this behaiviour is not new, it happend to Moses in the tent of meeting, but God redeemed Moses and he will do it again this time. You only need to look at the 'fruit of the Holy Spirit' which is clearly on Richard's tree; with thousands of people coming to Christ in the countries that have 'got behind Richard's leadership'. Jesus said 'expect trouble', so when an organisation goes through trouble, we should embrace it and look for God's direction and 'signs and wonders will follow those that believe'.